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Editorial Contact
Vikki Bradbury, CGB Publishing
We welcome contributions from experts in the fields of franchising law, finance, and business. Our Editor selectively commissions writers (bankers, lawyers, financial and business advisors, government authorities, retail and franchising associations) to provide fresh articles that are directed to the interests and concerns of Potential Franchisees and Master Franchisees alike. Franchising Magazine USA is part of the Global network of Franchising Publications from GCB Publishing who have published Franchise publications for over 34 years.
As a Franchisor do you have as franchisee who’s story would interest our readers ? Do you have news on a new opening or anniversary ? Let us know and we will be happy to cover in the next available issue of Franchising Magazine USA.
Unique to Franchising Magazine USA is our Veterans in Franchising Supplment which offers advice to potential franchisees who are ex vets. Content in this catergory is always welcome and if you have a Veteran Franchisee we welcome information we can share with our readers.
Franchising Magazine USA is a proud Member of the Internationl Franchise Association.
Drop us a line if you are interested in our media kit or editorial submissions.
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