This unique franchise is experiencing at a nearly rocket-propelled growth since their inception in 2011—with over 56 franchisees in 16 states this company is reshaping the school fundraiser model. Gone are the days of hawking cookie dough and wrapping paper—Apex Fun Run earns on average $23,000 per school per Fun Run event held.

The concept is simple, Apex Fun Run collaborates with school PTO/As and faculty, and produces a meaningful and “hassle-free” school fun run that is financially successful and builds leadership and fitness values in the students who participate.

For more information, contact Jeremy Barnhart:


Cash Investment: $60,500-$86,200


Our mission is to bring value to elementary schools – with fitness, leadership and funds. More importantly, bring value to your family by investing in a business that changes lives. If you have an entrepreneurial background, take your experience and tools and apply them to a successful, proven business model. And here’s what you get back – you get to give, you get to receive.

From your first step of the race – with the company founder and his highly-trained management team surrounding you — you will be given the support, encouragement, tools, and opportunity to build a brand in your marketplace that creates value to schools and to you as a franchisee. Choose a career and business that gives back. Wake up to know that not only will you provide for your family, but you will build tomorrow’s leaders one student, one school, at a time. When you are an Apex franchisee, you are surrounded by like-minded people who know that making money isn’t exclusive to making a difference. Choose both.


  • Encouragement and enthusiasm builds others up—we will help build leaders
  • Raising money for your child’s school can also serve as a positive learning experience
  • Many people giving a little adds up to a lot less of a burden on the typical givers/donors
  • Every child can change their school, and the world, in a profound way
  • Serving others brings the greatest joy and contributes to the greatest good
  • Learning by doing and exercise are both undervalued and underutilized in fundraising today