Prime IV Hydration and Wellness, the nation’s leader in vitamin infusion therapy, this morning announced the appointment of wellness industry veteran Adam Passarelli as the franchise’s new Chief Operating Officer (COO). This move was made to aid the brand in capitalizing on the record growth that has been realized in 2023, and ensure the coming years are equally expansive for the concept in markets across the country.
After spending the majority of his tenure in franchising working with WellBiz Brands, which includes such concepts as Elements Massage, DryBar, Fitness Together, Radiant Waxing, and Amazing Lash Studios, Passarelli has become one of the industry’s most recognized talents in the health and wellness category.
“Between work, travel, family, and other commitments, the need to decompress and focus on individual wellbeing is something we should all be recognizing in our day-to-day lives,” said Passarelli. “And sadly, not enough of us do. Prime IV is focused on not only ensuring that people feel physically better through our industry leading IVs, but also mentally relaxed as they enjoy the spa like experience. So, I’m very excited to be on board to continue our explosive growth in markets across the country.”
“This is our most pivotal phase of franchise growth to-date, and it’s absolutely vital to our long-term goals and local success that our team continues to thrive during our rapid expansion,” said Amy Neary, Founder and CEO of Prime IV Hydration & Wellness. “Adam will play a key role in making that happen, and will lead the effort in ensuring our growth for years to come.”
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