If I were to tell you communication wasn’t necessary, you wouldn’t believe me. I believe franchises that communicate well internally perform well externally in the real world and succeed. And the opposite is true. Franchises with poor internal communication are likely to fail. 

The defining characteristic of effective communication is that everyone, from corporate leaders to front-line employees, hears and understands the same essential messages. The result? Franchisees are more engaged, operations run smoother, and profitability improves across the board.

Innovation accelerates because ideas are shared and refined. At the same time, misunderstandings and inefficiencies are minimized. This happens when communication flows seamlessly in both directions.

With those benefits in mind, let’s explore the top strategies to improve communication in your franchise system.

Strategy One: Avoid Information Overload

When franchisees are bombarded with too much information they shut down and absorb less of it. Yet in many franchises, franchisees receive constant updates and directives from multiple departments simultaneously, leading to confusion and missed priorities. To combat this, designate a single person or department to organize and direct all communication. 

Strategy Two: Establish a Vibrant Franchise Advisory Council

If you have not yet started a Franchise Advisory Council (FAC), I would encourage you to do so now. Or if you have a FAC that is not meeting regularly or doing the job of keeping your entire franchise oriented, I encourage you to turn that situation around –  now. A FAC gives franchisees a voice and ensures their input informs major decisions. This council should function as a communication bridge that relays feedback from franchisees to the franchisor while conveying key directives from leadership to the broader franchise community. Engaged councils promote trust and create a culture of collaboration, making communication more effective system wide. For a free white paper go to https://www.evanhackel.com/franchise-advisory-councils

Strategy Three: Host an Annual Convention

Don’t let this be an afterthought,  because conventions can be one of the most impactful communication tools for your franchise system. Conventions offer a unique opportunity for the entire franchise family to align on goals, celebrate successes, share innovations, and do much more. A well-attended convention strengthens relationships, fosters engagement, and provides clarity on strategic direction for the year ahead. Aim for at least 90% attendance to maximize impact.

Strategy Four: Leverage Regional Networking Groups

Regional networking groups empower franchisees to connect, collaborate, and learn from one another. They foster open dialogue about best practices, shared challenges, and regional trends. By facilitating peer-to-peer communication, franchisors not only strengthen the network but also ensure critical information moves effectively across the system.

Strategy Five: Consider Using a Franchise Business Coach and Integrate the Impact Across the Organization

Great franchise coaches do more than just bring you the latest ideas on what other franchises are doing. They can also serve as communication links between franchisors and franchisees, provide ongoing support, relay critical updates, and offer tailored guidance to individual franchisees. A strong coaching program ensures franchisees feel heard, supported, and aligned with the broader goals of the system.

Strategy Six:  Get Advanced Communication Tools Working for You

Technology that can enhance communication is everywhere today, including AI-augmented customer relationship management (CRM) tools and advanced Learning Management Systems (LMS) that offer franchisees the training they need and track them while they are using it. Remember that an up-to-date franchise consultant/coach can help you identify the best systems and get them working for you.

Strategy Seven: Have a Clear and Consistent Brand

Make sure your internal and external communications trumpet and reinforce your brand identity, from tone and visuals to core messaging.  As one smart franchise expert once told me, “A franchise is a brand . . . nothing more, nothing less.”

Strategy Eight: Create an “Ingaged” Culture

Have franchisees co-develop strategies, whether through feedback surveys or brainstorming sessions at conventions. When franchisees feel involved, they become invested in your system’s success, improving overall communication and collaboration.

Strategy Nine: Gather and Utilize Feedback 

Surveys, site visits, and regular phone calls to franchisees might be the most basic mechanisms for soliciting feedback – but they can be remarkably effective. Use these channels to address concerns proactively, identify opportunities for improvement, and make franchisees feel valued.

Strategy Ten: Invest in Ongoing Training and Development

Strong communication begins with the skills and confidence of your franchisees. Offer training on soft skills like active listening, conflict resolution, and effective team communication. And be sure to tailor training to younger franchisees by using distributed training on mobile devices and other current training approaches.

And remember, improving communication in a franchise system is an ongoing process, not a “once and done” activity. Make it a top priority to create a culture of open feedback and watch your franchise thrive.

About Evan Hackel

As author, speaker and entrepreneur, Evan has been instrumental in launching more than 20 businesses and has managed a portfolio of brands with systemwide sales of more than $5 billion. He is the creator of Ingaged Leadership, is author of the book Ingaging Leadership: The Ultimate Edition and is a thought leader in the fields of leadership and success. 

Evan is the CEO of Ingage Consulting, Delta Payment Systems, and an advisor to The Learning Network. Reach Evan at ehackel@ingage.net, 781-820-7609 or visit www.evanhackel.com