Contributed by John and Jen Toth, Seasoned Franchisees of Floor Coverings International


Franchising offers entrepreneurs a unique opportunity to be their own boss while following a proven business model. However, success doesn’t just come from following a blueprint; it’s about building strong relationships within your franchise network, and tapping into the collective knowledge of your fellow franchisees. 


When we began our franchising journey with Floor Coverings International in 2015, we weren’t just handed a business – we unlocked an invaluable world of resources and tools to become strong business leaders and build out our team. As we reach our ten-year anniversary as franchise partners, we’ve seen firsthand the power of collaboration, and the importance of continuous learning, and we attribute much of our success to the guidance, mentorship, and shared knowledge we’ve gained from our peers in the Floor Coverings International franchise network. Our franchise support system has played an instrumental role in helping us thrive, overcome challenges, and allow us to grow and take on new opportunities. 


Over the past decade, we’ve become part of a community dedicated to mutual success and long-term growth. Here are the five ways we maximized our relationships within the franchise system:


Leverage the Power of Networking

Relationships with other franchisees are vital to your success. We found that connecting with others in our franchise system provided more than just a sense of community – we tapped into invaluable support, a wealth of knowledge, and actionable insights that fast-tracked our growth. Floor Coverings International prioritizes our relationship with the corporate team and one another, encouraging us to lean on the entire system so we can all succeed together. 


While we have previous workforce experience with translatable skills, jumping into the home service industry proved to be a feat with more obstacles and unknowns than we expected. Forming relationships and having conversations with other franchisees who had been through the launch process and early stages of their business not only gave us a sense of reassurance, but gave us insights into fine-tuning our processes. 

There are many ways for franchisees to network – social media is the easiest and most accessible way to connect with industry peers, but training programs, conferences, and other events that are offered through your franchise system are a way to not only meet fellow franchisees, but learn more about their business and what they might be doing differently. 


Tap into the Franchise Community for Problem-Solving

In the ten years of running our business, we’ve learned to expect the unexpected. Every franchisee faces challenges, and the key to overcoming them is collaboration. You cannot be successful in this industry if you are working alone, so it is crucial that you leverage your support system. 


Not only does utilizing your network help you find solutions faster and avoid costly mistakes, but having extra hands helping you out can often reveal underlying problems you may not have noticed before. Comparing strategies can help you streamline processes to create a more efficient and profitable business. 


Tapping into other strategies within your network can also allow you to keep up with the ever-changing business world and the industry you’re in. You can gain new insights into trends, consumer behaviors, and technology to ensure that you remain a sustainable competitor in your market. 


Ask for Help When You Need It

Every business will have its pain points, so it is important to recognize where those weaknesses lie, and ask for help to strengthen those. Our backgrounds lie in operations, accounting, and customer service, so when entering the home improvement industry we were faced with learning curves. From understanding the nuances to the flooring industry to mastering projects, seeking mentorship and speaking up when we needed clarity on processes allowed us to fill those gaps in our expertise. 


It can be challenging to shift into the mindset of asking for help. Recognize that it is actually a strength to know when you need to speak up and lean on your support system for help. This skill helps you to be an adaptable business leader.  


Share Your Successes 

Growth is a two-way street. As much as you learn from others, make sure you share your own insights and successes. Contributing with your own strengths creates a successful symbiotic relationship within your network, where everyone can benefit.


As you establish yourself within your network and your business grows, consider becoming a mentor for a new franchisee in the system. This will strengthen your reputation as an expert in the industry and position you as a key competitor. Supporting fellow franchisees creates a stronger, more resilient network for everyone.


Continuous learning is going to be key in remaining successful. Even as you become established in your industry, continue to strengthen your relationship with your network and lean on your peers. Remember that you cannot truly be successful as a solo entrepreneur – sharing wins, learning from losses, and collaborating on areas of improvement contribute to a culture of growth. When one franchisee wins, the entire system wins.